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Fit Elite – Professional Fitness Training

What’s Included


A structured nutrition plan to eating that aims to optimize health, support specific goals, and meet individual needs. It involves making informed choices about food and developing a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients. 


A custom workout program that covers hypertrophy, strength and endurance, tailored to your specific needs and fitness goals.


One on one personal training and support, in person or virtual or combination of both.

Professional Trainer

Wyatt Wikstrom

Fitness Expert / Personal Trainer

I have spent my late teens building my physique through trial and error, turning a former skinny kid into a sharp, lean and powerful athlete.

Through that process I have gained extensive practical experience about my overall health, body, technique and disapline required to attain results and achieving my fitness goals.

As a certified fitness expert and personal trainer, I’m motivated and driven to help you acheive your own personal fitness goals. Contact me for a consultation about nutrition and overall fitness training.

-Wyatt Wikstrom

CanFitPro Certified Professional

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